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Check in (review what was covered last lesson)

‘Do Now task’ (something engaging to spark the students’ interest)

The main teaching / information giving about the topic or focus for the session

An activity which produces evidence for the students’ folder

Plenary style activity

Learning log recording



ASDAN’s vision is to “transform life chances through learning by enabling all learners to discover, develop and make full use of their abilities.” This curriculum will strengthen learners’ academic and vocational education as well as engage and motivate young people. It will prepare learners to access knowledge and skills for work and equip students to live well. The Personal Develop Programme curriculum is designed to tackle barriers to learning faced by young people, and provide explicit opportunities to support them in working towards and achieving their individual Preparation for Adulthood outcomes (on their EHCPs).

By introducing an ASDAN curriculum the successes are more short term and more visible than a GCSE course that takes two years. Once they see their CV and portfolios growing with evidence of their success, their pride in their work will also improve and so we will see a greater impact across the curriculum e.g. in English and Maths GCSE, which we know are so vital to make progress in the world of work.

The ASDAN course will provide our longer-term cohort an opportunity to utilise all credits to help them build towards the Personal Development Programme (PDP). ASDAN's PDP is awarded at Bronze, Silver and Gold thus offering ways of developing, recording and certificating a wide range of young people’s personal qualities, abilities and achievements, as well as introducing them to new activities and challenges.


The ASDAN PDP courses will be mapped across the curriculum so there can be cross curricular links wherever possible to provide real life context to challenges undertaken, this includes building in opportunities to support MFL, Maths, English, Food Technology. It takes approximately 60 hours to complete enough modules to secure the 60 credits that make up the Bronzw course. Most of these will be completed in ASDAN lessons.

The schemes of work will follow the ASDAN suggested structure, this is simple to access with the SENDCo detailing each lesson number, challenge number and learning outcomes, portfolio evidence, resources, methods and strategies, skills covered and opportunities to extend independent learning (homework).

  • Each lesson will follow a basic structure of:
  • Check in (review what was covered last lesson)
  • ‘Do Now task’ (something engaging to spark the students’ interest)
  • The main teaching / information giving about the topic or focus for the session
  • An activity which produces evidence for the students’ folder
  • Plenary style activity
  • Learning log recording


By June all year 10 students will achieve and be able to evidence a portfolio for at least a Bronze PDP certificate. The achievement of this qualification over time will see pupil motivation increase and self-esteem in individual learners build. Students will be more motivated and we will also see improvement in their confidence in Maths, English and IT improve.

The attainment of these qualifications will ensure that all students secure a post-16 placement supporting their specific aspirations and needs. The increase in their confidence as a learner over the year will also mean that they are more familiar with the working styles of college courses, including building a portfolio of evidence, and so will be less shell shocked when they make the transition to post-16 pathways and courses. This will also mean that they are less likely to become NEET as they are confident in their ability to access and complete their courses. Finally, they will develop a sense of achievement from gaining a minimum of a Bronze PDP certificate.