Educate U Inclusive Education

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Student Council

The Student Council are a democratically elected organisation made up of pupil from across all four Key Stages. Twice monthly students meet to raise topics they would like to see changed or improved, or are given topics to discuss as a council.

The School Council are an effective driver of positive change at Educate U. They continue to work closely with the key staff who facilitate the meetings. During their meetings for the 2023/24 academic year to date:

  • Our children and young people have spoken to their peers about charities they feel they would like to support with money raised from our Christmas Fayre. As a group they voted, and we were all pleased with their choices.
  • Our children and young people have discussed the progress they had made, talk about issues that have been arising and changes they would like to discuss during further meetings.
  • The student council have had to opportunity to shape their school. Recently, some members of the student council got involved in recruitment and helped to interview prospective new staff; designing thought provoking questions and feeding back on interviewee performance giving their opinions with justifications as a group to senior leaders after the interview.

Inclusion and Empowerment

Our Student Council provides an avenue for our children and young people with special educational needs to actively participate in decision-making processes within the school. It fosters a sense of empowerment, ensuring that their voices are heard, valued, and included in shaping their school environment. For many, this will be the first school this has happened in.

Enhancing Communication and Social Skills

Participation in the Student Council offers our students with SEN the opportunity to develop and refine their communication skills. It provides a platform to express thoughts, share ideas, and articulate concerns, contributing to the overall enhancement of their communication abilities. We recognise that many of our children have communication and interaction difficulties and to be part of a dedicated group encourages conversation and collaboration. Interacting with peers and school staff within the framework of the Student Council helps our children build vital social skills. Through collaborative discussions, planning, and problem-solving, children and young people develop the ability to work effectively in a group setting, promoting positive social interactions.

Promoting Independence

Involvement in a Student Council encourages our pupils to take on leadership roles, developing a sense of independence. This experience can contribute to their personal development, self-confidence, and a belief in their ability to contribute meaningfully to the school community. Students with SEN often have unique perspectives on their educational experiences. The Student Council provides a structured platform for them to contribute to decisions related to curriculum, activities, recruitment and other aspects of school life, ensuring that the educational environment is responsive to their needs.

Improving Well-being and Mental Health

Active involvement in the Student Council can positively impact the mental health and well-being of students with special needs. It offers a sense of purpose, belonging, and accomplishment, contributing to a positive school experience.

We take immense pride in celebrating the success of our Student Council. Their dedication, enthusiasm, and genuine desire to make a positive impact are truly admirable. Educate U is not just a school; it's a community where every voice, including the vibrant voices of our students, contributes to our shared journey of growth and excellence.


Student Council